Hubungan Ulkus Diabetik Dengan Citra Tubuh Klien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2

M. Elyas Arif Budiman, Ah. Yusuf, AV. Sri Suhardiningsih


Diabetic ulcers are the most feared complications of Diabetes mellitus patients because of reduced blood supply to the tissues, causing tissue death and compounded with bacterial infections that can cause amputations and even have wide impact because they can cause death, morbidity, disability, and decreased quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of diabetic ulcers in patients with diabetes mellitus with body image. The research design used was analytic survey with cross sectional design. The sample in this study proves 40 samples taken Probability of Samples with the type of sampling in a row that was a diabetic ulcer sufferer who performs examinations in the clinic of Jember. This research was conducted by observing the degree of injury for diabetic ulcers and questionnaire sheets for body image. The results of this study were analyzed using the statistical test Spearman rank test. The results of the analysis showed that first-degree injuries were 22 respondents (55%), second-degree injuries were 17 respondents (42.5%), and third-degree injuries were respondent (2.5%). While the body image results in diabetics with 13 respondents (32.5%) had a negative body image, while 27 respondents (67.5%) had a positive body image. The results of the analysis of the two variables obtained by the value of p value Sig. (two tailed) of 0.023 α α (0.05) which shows that there was a relationship between diabetic ulcers in patients with diabetes mellitus with body image. Clients who suffer from diabetes mellitus will affect the appearance of the body, especially will have an impact on body image so it is very important for clients diabetes mellitus to improve adjustment in dealing with the disease process and the consequences of the disease.
Keywords: diabetic ulcer; body image

Ulkus diabetikum merupakan komplikasi yang paling ditakuti pasien Diabetes Melitus karena berkurangnya suplay darah ke jaringan tersebut menyebabkan kematian jaringan dan diperparah dengan infeksi bakteri yang dapat menyebabkan amputasi bahkan berdampak luas karena dapat menyebabkan kematian, morbiditas, peningkatan biaya perawatan, dan penurunan kualitas hidup. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan ulkus diabetik pada penderita diabetes melitus dengan citra tubuh di Klinik Jember. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu survey analitik dengan rancangan coss sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil secara Probability Sample dengan jenis Consecutive Sampling yaitu penderita ulkus diabetik yang melakukan pemeriksaan di klinik jember sebanyak 40 responden Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara melihat/observasi derajat luka untuk ulkus diabetik dan lembar kuesioner untuk citra tubuh. Hasil penelitian ini dianalisa menggunakan uji statistic spearman rank test. Hasil analisanya didapatkan bahwa luka derajat 1 sebanyak 22 responden (55%), luka derajat 2 sebanyak 17 responden (42,5%), dan luka derajat 3 sebanyak 1 responden (2,5%). Sedangkan hasil citra tubuh pada penderita diabetes melitus sebanyak 13 responden (32,5%) memiliki citra tubuh negatif , sedangkan 27 responden (67,5%) memiliki citra tubuh positif. Hasil analisa dari kedua variabel didapatkan nilai p value Sig (two tailed) sebesar 0,023 ≤ α (0,05) yang menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan ulkus diabetik pada penderita diabetes melitus dengan citra tubuh. Klien yang menderita diabetes mellitus akan mempengaruhi penampilan tubuh, terutama akan berdampak pada citra tubuh sehingga sangat penting bagi klien diabetes mellitus untuk meningkatkan penyesuaian dalam menangani proses penyakit dan konsekuensi penyakit.
Kata kunci: ulkus diabetic; citra tubuh

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Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES (Journal of Health Research FORIKES VOICE), e-ISSN: 2502-7778, p-ISSN 2086-3098
Volume 1-6 (2010-2015) are available at
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