Faktor yang Mempengaruhi serta Metode Peningkatan Kualitas Tidur Pasien Hemodialisis: Literatur Review

Renditya Anggana, Krisna Yetti, I Made Kariasa


Sleep disturbance is a common problem that is often experienced by hemodialysis patients, and can have an impact on sleep quality. This needs attention so that the causative factors and effective treatment methods can be carried out. This article was written using the literature review method. The articles were taken from the online databases namely ScienceDirect, Springer, ClinicalKey, and Pubmed. The results of the study identified factors related to sleep problems of hemodialysis patients, namely low serum vitamin D levels, snoring, pain, napping during the day, respiratory problems, pruritus, good dialysis index (GDI) scores, heavy symptom distress, excess sadness fluid before dialysis, sex, age, triceps skinfold, hypoproteinemia, hyperkalemia, hyperpospatemia, and poor nutritional status, frequency of HD, restless legs syndrome (RLS). While suitable method to improve the sleep quality of HD patients include listening to music, sleep hygiene education, aromatherapy through inhalation, continuous care models (CCM), while acupressure does not have a significant impact in improving sleep quality of HD patients. Adoption or modification may be needed in order to get more effective results in improving the sleep quality of HD patients.
Keywords: sleep quality; factors; hemodialysis patients


Gangguan tidur merupakan masalah umum yang sering dialami pasien hemodialisis, serta dapat berdampak pada kualitas tidur. Hal ini perlu mendapat perhatian agar faktor penyebab dan metode penanganan yang efektif dapat dilakukan. Artikel ini ditulis dengan metode literature review dengan pencarian melalui di online database ScienceDirect, Springer, ClinicalKey, dan Pubmed. Hasil studi mengidentfikasi faktor-faktor yang terkait dengan maslah tidur pasien hemodialisis yaitu kadar vitamin D serum yang rendah, ngorok, nyeri, napping di siang hari, masalah pernafasan, pruritus, skor good dialysis index (GDI), gejala distres yang berat, kelebihan cairan sebelum dialisis, jenis kelamin, usia, lipatan kulit trisep, hipoproteinemia, hiperkalemia, hiperpospatemia, dan status nutrisi yang buruk, frekuensi HD, restless legs syndrome (RLS). Sementara metode yang cocok untuk meningkatkan kualitas tidur pasien HD diantaranya yaitu mendengarkan musik, edukasi sleep hygiene, aromaterapi melalui inhalasi, continuous care model (CCM), sedangkan akupresur tidak berdampak signifikan dalam peningkatan kualitas tidur pasien HD. Adopsi maupun modifikasi mungkin diperlukan agar mendapatkan hasil yang lebih efektif dalm meningkatkan kualitas tidur pasien HD.
Kata kunci: kualitas tidur; faktor; pasien hemodialisis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33846/sf12120


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