Analisis Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Suhu Tubuh Pasien Anak Pasca Operasi

Vonny Sulystiawati Demmanggasa, Nurul Pujiastuti, Taufan Arif, Wiwin Martiningsih


The body loses heat faster than it produces heat, making hypothermia a critical condition. Children have a higher risk of hypothermia after surgery than adults. Knowing the factors associated with body temperature of postoperative pediatric patients in IBS Wava Husada Hospital Kepanjen. Quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach and analytical nature. The study sample amounted to 44 sampling with purposive sampling technique. Inclusion criteria were patients aged 6-12 years and had a decrease in body temperature <36.5°C. The tests used were Pearson and point biserial tests. There is a relationship between the age factor (p=0.006), there is a relationship between the BMI factor (p=0.000), there is a relationship between the length of surgery factor (p=0.010), there is a relationship between the type of surgery factor (p=0.000), and there is a relationship between the anesthesia type factor (p=0.020) with a decrease in body temperature and the most dominant factor is BMI (p=0.000). There is a relationship between the factors of age, BMI, length of surgery, type of surgery, and type of anesthesia on body temperature while there is the most dominant factor is the type of surgery (-0.674) with the body temperature of postoperative pediatric patients in IBS Wava Husada Hospital Kepanjen. Providing warm blankets to pediatric patients and making SOPs regarding the management of prevention of decreased body temperature are implications that can be given to maintain the patient's body temperature during surgery.


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